Website for GmbH – an internationally acclaimed fashion brand listed in the BoF500 and nominated to the LVMH prize in its first year. They use their work to address to environmental, societal and fashion industry related issues.

My role: User Interface

Case Study

Reinforcing the brand narrative

The aesthetics of German bureaucracy are a reocurring motif in GmbH’s communication. As one of the brand’s core touchpoints, the website is conceptualized as a German governmental platform – reinforcing their brand narrative. Following this overarching idea the UI and navigation design mimic the aesthetics and (awful) experience of typical German online-forms.

Giving space to high-quality imagery

The user interface becomes less obtrusive on lookbook and campaign pages, so that the high-quality imagery can take centerstage.

A lean eCommerce solution

The accompanying online shop is stripped down to the basics, making it easy to maintain for the GmbH team. Selected details stay true to the main idea of the website but nevertheless it offers a seamless shopping experience.

Strengthen their brand and staying independent

Very positive resonance among key stakeholders that further strengthened the avant-garde image of GmbH. The online shop established a reliable revenue stream for the company, making it possible to release their collections independently from the industry’s release cycles.